The Riverside Town Council met in regular session at 6:00 pm at the Riverside Town Hall with Mayor Leroy Stephenson presiding. Council members present were Ed Golden, Linda Brown, Lisa Lorenz and Mark Helwick. Also in attendance were Lee Ann Stephenson, Wyatt Craig, Jacob Munson, Shawn Brown and Riverside Clerk/Treasurer Jana C. Cook.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Stephenson led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mayor Stephenson took a moment to thank everyone for "picking up the slack" while he was on vacation. "You all are the heart and soul of Riverside," he said.
MINUTES: March 14, 2024 Regular Meeting: Lorenz moved with Brown seconding to approve the minutes of the March 14, 2024 regular meeting as presented. The motion passed.
FINANCIAL STATEMENT/BILLS: The council reviewed the financial statement and the unpaid bills report. Brown moved with Helwick seconding to approve the financial statement as presented and pay bills in the amount of $13,724.32. The motion passed.
Wyatt Craig and Jacob Munson: Mr. Craig told the council the 8th annual Tale of Two Cities disk golf tournament will be June 8, 2024. He asked permission to use Rick Martin Memorial Park. Golden moved with Brown seconding to approve the use of the park. The motion passed. Craig then said in previous years the town has been a tournament sponsor for $100.00. Lorenz moved with Brown seconding to approve the sponsorship. The motion passed. Craig also informed the council of a fund raiser ball for the Encampment fireworks on May 11, 2024. The fun will begin at 7:00 pm.
CCCOG: Helwick said the next meeting is May 5, 2024 in Dixon.
SOUTH CENTRAL WY EMSJPB: The council reviewed the 2024 3rd quarter talking points and the preliminary budget for fiscal year 2025.
PARKS: There was discussion about the downed tree.
SEWER: Mayor Stephenson said the newly installed sensors seem to be working well. There were questions from the council about the discharge system. Stephenson explained the history of the system and how it works. There is an outside contractor from DEQ coming to look at system on May 2nd. Some council members indicated they would like to attend.
STREETS: Lorenz said some of the streets will probably need gravel this year. There was discussion where to get gravel. She said culverts on 2nd Street need to be cleaned and the Harrington fence needs to be put back up. She said she would talk to John Anderson and see if he is interested in grading the streets.
SIERRA MADRE JOINT POWERS BOARD: Lee Ann Stephenson said the water chlorination system went out over the winter. It has since been repaired. Council also reviewed the minutes of the March 13, 2024 meeting.
SHERIFF MONTHLY REPORT: Patrol Report March 2024: According to the March 2024 report, there were 12 hours and 50 minutes of patrol. There were 5 traffic stops and 1 house check. There was discussion about where the officers were parked during time in Riverside. Mayor Stephenson expressed concern about officers being parked near the bars from 8-10 pm. He said he has asked the bar owners to document the times officers were parked near by. Helwick said he was happy to see house checks on the report.
MOSQUITO: Town of Encampment Fogging Bid: The Town of Encampment submitted a bid of $75.00 per hour with a one hour minimum to fog mosquitoes in Riverside and Cherokee Meadows. This is the same rate as last year. Brown moved with Helwick seconding to approve the bid. The motion passed.
90 DAY DELINQUENT: There are no delinquent accounts.
ZONING/BUILDING: Shawn and Linda Brown: Golden said the Brown building application is to develop the property of Block 6, lots 3&4. Water, electricity, and sewer will be extended. There will also be an illuminated sign on the northwest corner of the property. Golden said everything is in order, but a sign permit needs to be completed. The clerk said she would get one to Mr. Brown. Golden moved with Helwick seconding to approve the application. The motion passed. Councilmember Brown abstained from the vote.
ACTION ITEMS: There were no action items.
ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: The clerk told the council the municipal filing dates are May 16, 2024 through May 31, 2024. There are two four-year positions and one two-year position up for election. Municipal filing forms are available at the Riverside Town Hall.
CrowdStrike: Mayor Stephenson said the computer protection is being offered to municipalities by the Wyoming IT department. This software will allow the state to minimize cyberattacks to all computer systems. There is no cost to Riverside for at least two years. Lorenz moved with Brown seconding to approve Riverside taking advantage of the protection. The motion passed. Mayor Stephenson will oversee the installation.
UPRSWDD Permit Application: The council received a copy of the renewal permit application for the Saratoga Construction and Demolition Landfill. This was information only, no action was needed.
Grand Encampment Museum-Thank you: Council read a thank you letter from the Grand Encampment Museum for the contribution to help the museum with utilities.
Platte Valley Arts Council: The clerk contacted Alyson Sneddon and asked if the arts council would be interested in painting the Welcome to Riverside signs. The council reviewed a letter entailing what will be necessary to freshen up the signs. The signs will be scraped, painted and sealed. Ms. Sneddon estimated the project will take 15-20 hours per sign. The cost of the project will be a donation to the council and reimbursement for supplies. Golden moved with Helwick seconding to approve Platte Valley Arts Council freshening the signs. The motion was approved.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: There was no unfinished business.
Ordinance 230-FY 2024-2025 Budget 1st Reading: The clerks said the numbers are not definite and encouraged council members to look at their departments and see what projects are needed. Helwick moved with Lorenz seconding to approve Ordinance 230 on first reading. The motion passed.
Mayor's Proclamtion: April is Child Abuse Awareness and Prevention Month. Mayor Stephenson read the proclamation declaring April as child abuse awareness and provention month.
Amend Ordinance 229-Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Budget Amendment-1st Reading: Mayor Stephenson explained it was necessary to amend the budget to reflect change in the Specific Purpose Tax amount and the addition of the police protection line item. Golden moved with Lorenz seconding to approve Ordinance 229 Budget Amendment on 1st reading. The motion passed.
With no other business being brought before the council, the meeting was adjourned at 7:05 pm.
Jana C. Cook Leroy Stephenson, Mayor
Approved: May 9, 2024
Jana C. Cook
The next regular meeting of the Riverside Town Council will be May 9, 2024 at 6:00 pm at the Riverside Town Hall.